Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Testing (CCR)

Testing happens everyday in a school or test center somewhere. Testing is a well known problem throughout many sectors of society. Doctors and lawyers have boards. Financial planners, accountants, architects, nurses and (even) teachers have certification exams. It seems like our society is gearing more and more towards high stakes tests. These tests can prove a lot about an individual, but at what cost? Hours and hours are spent cramming information into brains, but doesn't that just show that the subject is devoted to studying.

When it comes time to prove an individual can accomplish something, that individual is almost guaranteed to have access to the internet. Once you have access to all the information available, all of this memorization seems irrelevant. On the other hand, many of these tests are becoming more sophisticated. They may not ask test takers to regurgitate information. Instead, they may want to see that the test taker has the ability to develop ideas or analyze information. This type of test makes more sense to me.

Still, I wonder. Are these tests holding people accountable? Are they stressing test takers out too much? Are they using all of the data from these tests appropriately? I know the MOSLs we took in class this week were not enjoyable. I know that many students struggled to focus on the information in the test. However, maybe the final product shows what it is supposed to. Students can't maintain focus for extended periods. Really, this is good information for all of us to have. As adults, you will be sitting for more of these types of tests. As you prepare for the next steps of your lives, you will need to develop those skills to focus on and analyze the information that is presented to you.


  1. This is very true. We go thought alot of test to determine what type of people we are. This should not be but thats what everything came down to.

  2. I agree with you about your whole blog entry. To me tests are not a good way to see what people know because some people are not good test takers. Some people freak out and can not focus as you said.
